Electra Doodles Phone Bag 1.3 L


Convenience is calling. Answer!

Keep you and your phone safe while riding.

2 in stock

A white and black Electra Doodles Phone Bag 1.3 L with various small icons and doodles printed on it, such as a bicycle, heart, and coffee cup. The bag has two black zippers and straps for attachment. The brand name "Electra" is visible on a black label.
Electra Doodles Phone Bag 1.3 L 39.99
A white and black Electra Doodles Phone Bag 1.3 L with various small icons and doodles printed on it, such as a bicycle, heart, and coffee cup. The bag has two black zippers and straps for attachment. The brand name "Electra" is visible on a black label.
Electra Doodles Phone Bag 1.3 L

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This bag is a must for anyone with a phone. So, everyone. Sized so your phone will stay secure even on your bumpiest rides.

Product details

  • Clear touch screen-compatible pocket fits phones up to 6.5″ (16.5cm)
  • Hook and loop attachment to top tube


This guarantee includes Bontrager after-market components, clothing and accessories. Bontrager OE (original equipment) componentry sold as part of a bicycle is excluded. Used items must be cleaned for a return. If you send merchandise that is not cleaned or laundered, we will return it to you at your expense.

Sections of this information and description was taken from Trekbikes.com, as we are an authorised dealer.

Additional information

Weight 0.399 kg
Dimensions 31 × 6 × 9 cm